If You’re a Student in Sheffield: Why Not Start Up Your Own Club Night?

10450336_391012801076388_3604380325899846848_oBy Laura Burford

There are 48,000 students currently living in Sheffield, which calls for a lot of partying, and more and more students these days are creating the party themselves.

Jed Dixon, a 21-year-old English Literature student from The University of Sheffield, who started up the club night ‘Lunar’ along with two other friends in 2014, told me ‘it’s not about the money’… so what is it all about?

When asked about the moment he decided to start up his own night, Jed told me it was simply a common interest with a course mate and that after deciding to go ahead and make something out of their interest ‘everything sort-of, just happened.’

“Seeing a dance floor filled with people grooving and having a big night and knowing that you’ve been partly responsible for that, is such a sick feeling.”

Lunar hosted its first night in May 2014 at The Fez Club by attracting the crowd in with funky disco beats. The first night was a hit and since then they have held very successful nights again at Fez, and at Plug, and even a Lunar inspired house party was thrown at Jed’s house.

There are many club nights in Sheffield right now that all seem to be very similar with the same old house music. But Lunar is able to stand out from the rest with its ‘roots in disco’ which a lot of other club nights unfortunately seem to forget about.

So what is it that makes Jed so passionate about Lunar and disco music? He told me that ‘seeing a dance floor filled with people grooving and having a big night and knowing that you’ve been partly responsible for that, is such a sick feeling.’

Liam Taylor photography

Liam Taylor photography

But it’s not only a happy crowd that gets Jed smiling, his love for disco began years ago when his  ‘mum and dad’s friends were, and still are, part of the D.I.Y movement, people like Camouflage Disco who throw raves in the Peak District.’

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